Sunday, January 18, 2009

Well Done

"Damn woman, why can't I just ignore you? What is it of you that makes me trembles so. It's really sucks."

Sialan, selalu saja membuat kesalahan. Patience, men, it's a virtue. But, no, I always rush into things. Who is she anyway, I don't need her. What I need is my past to come over me again. I don't need all of this. All I do now is just hurting her. She, the one that makes me longing for tomorrow. I don't need her to be by my side, I don't need her to be mine, I just need her to fill my head with hope. But maybe I was wrong, maybe, hope is not what I'm looking for, maybe I was lost in all this nonsense of life.

Or maybe she IS my hope after all. But why? why can't I find another person? not her, not the one who is happy with her life.

Selfish. That's who I am. I got too close, but never want to back down. Yesterday someone else, now her, tomorrow, who knows whom I will be hurting.

Sadar Can, siapa kamu, apa kamu. Biarkan mereka dengan hidup mereka, jangan jadikan mereka korban, karena mereka tidak punya salah apapun, baik padamu ataupun pada hatimu.

Hiduplah dengan sabar, apa adanya, dan terima segalanya. Apa yang ada ditembok dekat komputermu, yang terpasang semenjak perasaan dan pengelihatan itu muncul dan menyakitimu, adalah benar. Ikuti..........

Is it because I love her? Not LOVE again, that thing that called LOVE is none other than a destructive tool of life. Tapi perasaan ini, saya gak mau terima, saya masih mencintai dia dan tetap menunggu, sampai dia kembali atopun jadi milik oran lain, tapi ini, ini tak bisa dijelaskan. Mungkin, saya memang sudah jatuh cinta. Mungkin memang dengan jatuh cinta saya bisa melupakan dia. Mungkin lain kali, setelah cinta saya kembali jatuh, rasa sakitnya tidak akan terasa sesakit ini.

I wish life could be more simple than this.

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